
SNRPMP launches online forum for all patient graduates

The team at SNRPMP are delighted to have launched an online forum for graduates of the service. This forum is a joint collaboration with the pain charity, Pain Concern. It is aimed a providing ongoing support for our patient graduates to continue to share and motivate each other in the use of the tools and techniques they learned in their three weeks at Allander House.

With the current added challenge of individuals being more isolated and housebound due to the restrictions Covid-19 (corona virus) the opportunity of online support seems even more important at the time.

The forum is a closed group for graduates of the programme and it is moderated by patient volunteers who have received training as well as staff from SNRPMP and Pain Concern.

All the graduates who had consented to us keeping in touch with them have been sent a letter informing them of how to log on and join this forum. If you are a patient graduate who has not received information on this and you are keen to login please email us at and we will send you login instructions.

Pain Concern UK | Chronic Pain Ireland