Patient Information

Staying Well when Socially Distancing

The government has advised everyone to adopt social distancing measures and to stay at home to help limit the spread of COVID-19. These measures are affecting the daily lives and activities for each of us and our households. This can be even more challenging when living with chronic pain. During this time period, it is important to look after your mental and emotional wellbeing and physical health.

Routines provide structure and purpose to our days. Check out the Coping with Self Isolation: Bringing Structure to your Days resource for tips on ways to establish a routine that could help you to stay well during this time while at the same time putting some pain management strategies into use.

Dr. Russ Harris has developed a FACE COVID youtube video and FACE COVID leaflet that offer practical steps for coping during these uncertain times. These steps use the same approach we use on the Scottish National Residential Pain Management Programme.

General current advice about COVID-19 can be found on the NHS Inform website.

The SAMH website has self help and wellbeing resources for looking after your mental health that might be helpful during this time.